Wednesday, October 24, 2007

How to Have a Healthy Marriage?

Don't we all want the answer to that question? Cindy Pook did a great job speaking to us on marriage last week. Did everyone do their homework? In case you forgot you were supposed to write down your top 10 needs and what you think his top 10 needs are. Then your darling hubby writes down his 10 needs and what he thinks your 10 needs are. And then you compare notes and the fun begins! Maybe you both learned new things about each other or maybe you learned some simple things you both could do to make life easier for one another. Either way it's a great exercise.
Cindy reminded us that children bring wonderful gifts, they bring out the best and the worst in us.
She also reminded us to have more consideration for each other, " The health of your marriage depends on the ability to adjust".
Love and balance are the greatest gift you can give to your kids and to your marriage. "When we love our spouse it's the best gift we can give our children".

Cindy also said that our husbands need be our number 2 priority after God!
She gave 11 tips but I somehow have 12.
  1. Greet your husband with a kiss
  2. Demonstrate to your kids that he's important
  3. Couch time for 10 minutes while your kids are awake
  4. You need time alone to connect which means turning off the computer and T.V.
  5. Develop hobbies together. Remember what you did together before you had kids!
  6. Don't keep score
  7. Know what his needs are
  8. Protect your family bed
  9. Let go of perfection and share tasks
  10. Expectation without communication leads to frustration
  11. Re-live falling in love. (Watch your wedding video once in awhile)
  12. Make love often and try to show intimacy (try to go to bed at the same time)
So I hope you all started your weekend by kissing your husband when he walked in the door Friday night and who knows maybe a few of your husbands "benefited" from Friday's talk!!! ;)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Andee thanks for the list. I didn't take notes that day. Kathy