I think it's safe to say that everyone enjoyed Dr. Ann Corwin and took away something valuable from her talk. Here are some key points she mentioned in her talk.
*During conflict don't react but separate!
* The 3 ways we connect are through:
- Eye Contact
- Touch
- Talk
*Discipline comes from the word disciple which means to teach and follow
*Remember the teachable moment is after the incident not during
*When sending your child to their room to "separate" turn music on because it clears their head and helps them relax.
*After conflict give your child LOVE
*When a child hurts you or another child don't have your child kiss the spot they hurt. Kids don't know what sorry means. So instead of using the word sorry have them say "I'll never do that again". They need to learn the meaning of sorry before they actually start using it. Sorry means regret and remorse.
*Tell your child that your family does not hurt with words or their bodies!
Book Tip- "The Way I Feel" by Janan Cain

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